Havens Food Cooperative's £1 Million Milestone
In November 2023 the Havens Food Cooperative Project reached a significant milestone in food waste prevention and redistribution. An incredible £1 million worth of surplus food has been collected and redistributed since the start of the project in April 2020. Volunteers have worked hard, collaborating with 19 local stores in the Havens area to rescue and redivert surplus food, using this food to support the community. Not only has the project run a daily community pantry, which has prevented food from ending up in landfill, but the project also has been able to support 16 local groups and organisations through a Pop-up-Pantry Scheme, which sees that groups including; schools, nurseries, foodbanks, refuges, community projects and more are able to receive and redistribute surplus food their settings each week.
This milestone of £1 million worth of surplus food redistributed is a testament to the incredible team of volunteers, the partnerships with local food stores and community groups and of course the brilliant community the project is based in. The project will continue redistributing surplus and providing further food support to individuals, families and groups in the community, working towards the next £1 million worth of surplus food redistributed!
Group photo- Havens Team, HFC volunteers, Stores, councils and guests
Rebecca and Francesca’s presentation
Paula and the Vice Lord-Lieutenant- Mr Graham Peters
Rebecca, Paula, Vice Lord-Lieutenant Graham Peters and High Sheriff Richard Bickersteth and Consort Rachel Bickersteth
Buffet at the Celebration Event- made using some surplus food from the Community Pantry
The Celebration Event